Pernahakah anda mengeluh???.......
Kebanyakan orang pernah mengeluh, hanya segelintir orang saja yang tidak pernah mengeluh, karena terkadang manusia belum memahami dibalik semua itu. Seorang laki-laki pernah mengeluh kepada temannya (Curhat gitu......) kemudian temannya menjawab : "seandainya mengeluh itu dibayar maka andalah orang yang paling kaya".
Seperti cerita Narrative teks bahasa inggris berikut, seorang anak menegeluh kepada ayahnya karena dia belum mengerti, untuk lebih tahu lebih lanjutnya langsung saja baca cerita berikut:
Kebanyakan orang pernah mengeluh, hanya segelintir orang saja yang tidak pernah mengeluh, karena terkadang manusia belum memahami dibalik semua itu. Seorang laki-laki pernah mengeluh kepada temannya (Curhat gitu......) kemudian temannya menjawab : "seandainya mengeluh itu dibayar maka andalah orang yang paling kaya".
Seperti cerita Narrative teks bahasa inggris berikut, seorang anak menegeluh kepada ayahnya karena dia belum mengerti, untuk lebih tahu lebih lanjutnya langsung saja baca cerita berikut:
Two sons worked for their father on
the family's farm. The younger son had been
given more responsibility and reward
than the elder one for a few years. So, one day the elder son asked his
father to explain the different treatment.
The father said, "First, please
go to Kelly's farm and see if they have any
geese for sale. We need to add to our stock."
The elder son soon returned with the answer,
"Yes, they
have five geese they can sell to "
The father then
said, "Good. Then, would you ask
them the price?"
The son returned with the answer,
"The geese are $10 each, Dad."
The father said,
"Okay. Now could you ask them
whether they can deliver the geese tomorrow?"
The son duly
returned with the answer, "Yes, they
can deliver the geese tomorrow."
Then, the father asked his elder son
to wait and listen and called the younger
one from a nearby field and asked, "Would you go to Davidson's Farm
and see if they have any geese for sale? We
need to add to our stock."
The younger son
soon returned with the answer,
"Yes, they have five geese for $10
each, or ten geese for $8 each and they can deliver them tomorrow.
I asked them to
deliver five unless they heard
otherwise from us in the next hour. They
also agreed that if we want the extra
five geese, we can buy them at $6 each."
The father turned to his elder son,
who nodded his head in appreciation–he now realized why his younger brother was
given more responsibility and reward.
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