
Friday, March 1, 2013

The King and the Beggar

Kenapa eh kenapa Judi itu haram.......... 
Kenapa semua yang asyik-asyik itu diharamkan?
Kenapa semua yang enak-enak itu diharamkan ?
Nah..... nah.... nah..... (Itulah penggalan lagu bang Haji)

Saya sering dengan dari Pak Ustadz bahwa hidup ini ujian, manusia diuji dengan berbagai kemewahan dunia, dan salah satu contoh ujian yang diberikan kepada manusia adalah tidak diperlihatkannya pahala atas kebaikan-kebaikan yang dilakukannya.
Karena hanya orang berimanlah disertai keikhlasan yang berbuat baik tanpa mengharap balasan, kelak di hari pembalasan banyak orang yang akan menyesal (Termasuk saya....he..he..he..) ketika sudah menyaksikan balasan-balasan kebaikan yang dilakukan didunia, mereka pun memohon untuk dikembalikan ke dunia unhtuk berbuat baik, namun jalan tersebut telah tertutup. 
Seperti cerita narrative teks bahasa inggris berikut, setelah melihat coin emas yang diberikan sang Raja, pengemis itu pun menyesal tidak memberikan semua unag receh yang dia miliki, untuh lebih serunya langsung saja baca ceritanya

There was once a poor beggar sitting alongside the road, he begged from morning until night, all he had received was a few grains. But in hopes he may earn more, he continued to beg. Soon the beggar noticed the king coming towards him. The beggar was excited. "May be the king will give me something expensive" he thought. "I'll sell it, and then I will buy myself some food."
The king got out his chariot and walked towards the beggar, but just as the beggar's hopes were raised, the king reached his hands out and begged before the beggar himself could beg!, the beggar was confused "what i give him?" he thought. Not knowing what else to do, he reached into his bag and gave the king a few of his grains. The king took the grains and walk off. The beggar went home sad and sullen. He was upset about not having received anything from the king.
"The townspeople are selfish," he thought. "Nobody gives, nobody cares"
With such thoughts racing through his mind, the beggar dashed his bag of grains against the ground, two golden coin sprung out from the bag as it hit the ground, the king had granted the beggar these two coins without him knowing, he had given them in exchange for the grains.
"What a fool I am!" the beggar thought
"I would have received so much more if I had given the king the whole bag!"


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